Cookie, French Fry, Or Just A Bad Boyfriend Food?
Remember the last time you fell hard? No, I don’t mean slipped and landed unceremoniously on your tush because you were fumbling for your keys while trying to juggle a double Starbucks’ Mocha Latte. I mean, fell hard. Come on, girls. You know what I’m talking about. Maybe you were

Uh-Oh, It’s That Time Of Year Again: Girl Scout Cookie Season!
It’s that time of year again: those adorable little Girl Scouts are starting to be seen all around, and their colorful cookie boxes are showing up on every street corner, at your office–or maybe even your front door! Sure, Girl Scout cookies aren’t the healthiest snacks around, but sometimes you

The 3 Bite Rule
The 3 Bite Rule is pretty simple if you can put it into practice. I didn’t invent it, but I am grateful for the eating behaviorist that did! Simply stated, The 3 Bite Rule is a strategy to enjoy your favorite “bad boyfriend” foods out of the house by taking

Top 8 Weight Loss Mistakes (And How To Fix Them!)
Are you a healthy eater but the weight isn’t budging? Maybe it’s time to look at your old habits in this New Year. Here are eight common mistakes I see my clients, friends and even myself (sometimes) making. Your Portions Are Too Big Trade in your dinner plate for a

The Week Resolutions Die: It’s This Week!
The Week Resolutions Die: It’s this week. The third week in January. Our resolve starts to fade. Today, recommit to one mini food goal- eat half your plate in veggies at dinner, close the kitchen at 8pm, eat only 5oz of protein at dinner, not 8oz (ok- that’s mine), or end your

Skinny Food Find: WTF is Dessert Hummus?
On a recent episode of Shark Tank, entrepreneur Makenzie Marzluff received $600k in funding for her dessert hummus company Delighted By, the vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, and low-sugar treat that she described as tasting like cookie dough. The Sharks were surprised to like it—though all noted how weird it was—and Mark Cuban exclaimed, “this

Thanksgiving Diet Disaster? How To Get Back On Track With 7 Easy Steps
Oops! You did it again…. You ate all Thanksgiving weekend… a lot. Don’t panic. You may feel like a big fat failure, but you’re not. It’s just time to break that “Oops, I did it again” cycle and get back on the post-holiday diet bandwagon. Get going with these 6

Thanksgiving Dinner: Visuals Of How Those Calories Add Up SO FAST!
According to research from the Calorie Control Council, the average American may consume more than 3,000 calories during a typical Thanksgiving dinner. From appetizers to dessert, dieters beware: You want to stuff the bird, not yourself!

10 Ways to Survive Thanksgiving Without Having To Unbutton Your Pants
1. Eat before the big meal. Yes, you read that correctly! Showing up for the feast with a rumbling tummy is a recipe for over-eating, so be sure to pre-game by having some low-calorie mini-meals or snacks earlier in the day. Bank calories for the big meal, but don’t fast all day.

Skinny Testimonial
“Hi Lyssa. I am involved in a workout group called #wedohardstuff. Most of the workouts are physical but there are some that aren’t. One of the challenges this month entails writing an uplifting letter to someone. You were the first person that I thought of! I need to thank you