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Here are my Top 4 Tips!    1. Sort Your Candy! Just like you did when you were a kid (Favorites, Just OK, Yuck!). Then, do to yourself what your parents did to you. Set a rigid limit on how much candy you can have, and then candy gets put (or given)

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Today’s “emotional eating quotient” class is on: The Stress Eater. You’re overworked, overwhelmed- and overeating. Those are the three “O’s” that are the downfall of driven, busy women. And women who balance many responsibilities struggle with putting themselves first. It takes time. Food is an easy Band-Aid, while real self-

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Today’s class on “emotional eating quotient” is all about the thrill seeker, aka: The Boredom Eater. When the act of eating is more important than what you are eating (for g-d’s sake, you’ll open up a jar of canned chickpeas if that’s all you have in the house!). What you

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Class is in session! Since you have to get smart to get skinny, the next few Weiss Wednesdays are going to be about us learning about EEQ, our “emotional eating quotient”. In the field of weight loss, it’s the WHY behind what makes us overeat. But you know me, I

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Because it’s hard to think clearly after you’ve eaten 43 Oreos, it’s smart to have your strategy ready to roll in advance. These steps can help you right after you’ve journeyed to diet hell, and can help you live to tell the tale. Immediately after the binge, jot down what

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You know those pounds you accumulate when your life gets so busy that “air traffic controller” seems like a laid-back job. You’re not just MOM- you’re chauffeur, waitress, counselor, cook, homework assistant and a thousand other things. And that’s before you put on your fancy pants for the job that

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When you are counting calories, weighing and measuring your food, eating monotonously and keeping bad boyfriend foods out of your kitchen, you are beyond bummed when you see the scale inch upward even a little. But if you’ve been dieting for even a few weeks, you’ve likely started to notice

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Ok, girls, let’s take a quick poll. How many of you eat when you’re not hungry? You know what I’m talking about. Maybe you’re bored. Maybe you’re stressed out of your mind. Maybe you had a blow up with your husband over the Visa bill (am I the only one?),

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The fancy diplomas lining my office wall may say that I am a nutritionist and R.D., but more important to my ability to help you is the fact that I am you. I’ve been where you are. I’ve journeyed to diet hell and lived to tell the tale. The Skinny

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