It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere!
The Do’s and Don’ts of Skinny Jeans Drinking A lot of my dieters have been asking me what is the BEST alcohol to drink as summer partying is in full swing. So, I’ll try to make this quick…. Wine Is Better than Beer, Beer Is Better than Mixed Drinks: Sometimes

Learn how to rule food so food doesn’t rule you!
My clients have used my “get smart and skinny” methods to lose hundreds of pounds. Please check out my new VIP club or set-up a private session — either in-person at my private office in Westchester, New York or in the convenience of your home or office via phone or

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Do you obsess about brownies? Have you ever tried to get “in the mood” and realized that the only thing you were in the mood for was a bag of potato chips? Do your jeans let out a sigh of relief after you take them off? Don’t despair! Finally, you
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Invite Lyssa Weiss into your home and stay smart and skinny all year long! One-on-One Sessions (Private/Individual) Initial 50 minute consultation: $500 each Half hour phone sessions: $150 each Hour phone sessions: $300 each Plan ahead! Buy 11 hour-long sessions and you’ll get the 12th one free! $3,300 Fees for

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Hi there! This is your SAFE PLACE to discuss all things food/dieting/overeating/emotional eating/binge eating/grazing. We are your weight loss support community. We are in this together. We get you because we ARE you! No judgment. Just women like you who want to get in control of their relationship with food…

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The 5 Characteristics Of Weight Loss Grit (These 5 things make ALL the difference in weight loss) Date: Monday, April 12 at 8pm on Zoom Price: $30. Zoom link will be provided upon registration. If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why do I do this to myself?” then this class is

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Learn How To Stop Binge Eating and Emotional Eating With 5 Simple, Real Life Steps Learn the 5 essential steps to HALT binge eating and compulsive overeating immediately. Learn what REALLY works and why conventional dieting strategies have such a high failure rate. Learn why what most nutritionists and registered dietitians teach sound good in theory